Throughout our Flags for Heroes campaign, we've had the privilege of learning about the incredible veterans who have served our country with courage and dedication. These stories, filled with sacrifice and resilience, serve as a powerful reminder of the true meaning of patriotism.

We are honored to share the inspiring story of Brittany Nicole Jensen, a true example of resilience and dedication.

Story submitted by Becky Lou Phillips “11 years of service! Even while broken she kept going years. Having to leave her baby for duty. She lead her soldiers Proud and Strong! As Sargent promotable she did finally decide for after couple years her son being young and her a single parent to Med board . Although she misses it everyday and wishes she was still with them all and doubts her decision even though she lives in physical pain and emotional pain. She would return if called upon. And has brought her combat medical skills to the civilian world in a Veteran role in a Veteran town. She keeps on going!"

Thank you, Brittany, for your honorable service, sacrifice, and dedication.

Sarah Moehling