We sometimes take for granted what the freedom of The United States of America affords us, one of the best things we were reminded of for this Fabric of America piece is that we’re all able to roll up our sleeves and follow our dreams. Anyone willing to work hard enough in our great country, essentially can accomplish whatever it is that they want. This is no different for the entrepreneurial ladies of The Studio Shoppe in Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina. The Studio Shoppe is a collective of super talented artists that have taken the meaning of synergy to the next level with their incredible success. What started as a group of individual artists has now turned into a collective powerhouse.

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Each of the six women bring their own area of expertise in a wide range of areas including Photography, Painting, Interior Design, Event Planning, Fabrics and Fashion. They share a creative space, inspiration, resources, business contacts and above all, support for each other. They've cast nets in a wide variety of directions and have landed some big fish. They started working on projects together first in the Charleston area, then throughout the Southeast and are now involved in projects across the country together. The word is spreading in their various communities that one unit of six is better that six units of one. We caught up with them to learn more about their operation and what America means to them in this latest Fabric of America highlight.

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When asked about what America and the American flag mean to them, Anna Bett Moore, their canvas painter, mentioned that she's immediately reminded of "a promise of opportunity and accessibility for all". A place that uplifts and supports rather than holds you back. Most importantly to her, it's been about the freedom to do what she loves best. She also mentioned that the Studio Shoppe is a bit of a microcosm for America when you think about it. "Diversity, cohesion and synergy all blend together to make the Shoppe a stronger place, just like our great country", she says.

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Reagan Barnes, their in house event designer, has a special take on the American flag being a military wife herself. She mentioned that being a military wife can be hard moving around every few years. The uncertainty of not knowing where she'd be located, she says, was scary, especially when looking towards choosing a career path. She mentioned that it's tough for many military spouses to find a professional groove because of all the uncertainty. When she was really digging into her career and trying to figure out what she wanted to do, she went back to the advice of her two military grandfathers who told her to be her own boss. She was driven by that advice and now has one of the most successful event management businesses in the Charleston area. "That expertise is something that I'll always have, nobody can take that away from me", she says. She credits the freedom to pursue entrepreneurial endeavors as the major catalyst paving the way towards a path of sustainability in her career. "When other things in life are up in the air, I've carved out a niche for myself and my family that we can rely on". Reagan is passionate about this and strives to give advice and to give back to other military spouses that are interested in going out on their own.

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Teeny Morrison, photographer and interior tastemaker, mentions a simple word that packs a big punch, "thanks". "Thanks to those that have served to protect our freedom and give us the ability to walk to work everyday and do this", she exclaims! She also appropriately points out that while they're a proud group of female entrepreneurs, their main identification is as entrepreneurs first and foremost. Sure they are female, but they don't stop to think too much about it, they just do it. For that, she also give thanks.

The big dreams of owning your own business and thriving aren't just dreams anymore for the ladies of Studio Shoppe, they are in fact reality. They are a testament that hard work, talent, and dedication go a long way in achieving what you want. That's what the American Flag represents to them, what does it represent to you? #fabricofamerica

— Andres Jimenez