Throughout our Flags for Heroes campaign, we've had the privilege of learning about the incredible veterans who have served our country with courage and dedication. These stories, filled with sacrifice and resilience, serve as a powerful reminder of the true meaning of patriotism.
We’re honored to share the story of MSgt Joseph ‘Kap’ Kapinos (Ret), a remarkable patriot who embodies unwavering dedication and humility.

Story submitted by Julie Kapinos: "MSgt Joseph ‘Kap’ Kapinos (Ret), is an amazing patriot. My husband would never seek recognition for his service, much less his ongoing work with the military in a civilian role. He was an Air Force loadmaster, combat camera team leader, and Public Affairs chief. He was medically retired due to injuries received across the length of his service. He saw the world while serving this country, and encountered war zones from Somalia to Southeast Asia, from Kosovo to Iraq and Afghanistan. He experienced flight to every continent on earth while delivering people and supplies needed to maintain ongoing missions for both the safety and security of this country, as well as the support of other nations with humanitarian aid needs. He has a chest full of ribbons, many with valor, and he often dismisses them saying, “I’m just a regular Joe.”
He will always stand for the National Anthem, he will always salute the flag. We fly a flag outside of our home each day. He deserves to be recognized for his ongoing determination to participate in the safekeeping of this country. Following his medical retirement from the Air Force, he chose to return to work on a base in a civilian position that now affords him the luxury of working with his brother and sister veterans once again. He continues to stay focused on the mission of keeping the United States and its people safe and free. The National Anthem brings tears to his eyes, as does the sight of the stars and stripes waving. He escorted too many brothers and sisters home underneath that flag, and he will always honor the flag and that sacrifice."
Thank you, Joseph, for your honorable service, sacrifice, and dedication.